

The Body Building is pleased to offer the hottest method in personal recovery, an Oxygen Bar! Oxygen has a plethora of benefits to help recovery and achieve optimal results. Oxygen can provide a burst of energy by aerating your blood. It can also counter fatigue, greatly help with weight loss, takeaway headaches and relieve other minor and possibly major pains. Long-term use of filtrated oxygen can help in the cleansing of toxins from your body and in greatly boosting your immune system. The Body Building is excited to bring this technology to our area and help you breathe in to become the best version of YOU!

Benefits of Oxygen:

  • Heightens alertness, focus, concentration and memory
  • Gives you great energy! 90% of our energy comes from Oxygen and only 10% from water and food
  • Important to your immune system, short and long term memory, thinking and eyesight
  • Counters aging and Promotes healing
  • Makes your heart strong, reducing the risk of heart attacks
  • Stabilizes your nervous system
  • Helps cut the recovery needed after physical exertion
  • Relieves headaches, migraines and hangovers
  • Takes care of temporary altitude discomfort
  • Greatly improves cell metabolism and digest ion
  • Supports pre-athletic performance and takes care of muscle stiffness
  • Flushes toxins and impurities out of your blood and help with weight loss

Feel the difference Oxygen makes today! Call and Schedule Your Appointment (559) 500-1300.

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